Workshops and Events

Cultivating Vitality in Every Season: Somatic Techniques from Bioenergetic Therapy

Dates: Fall Series 2024: 9/29, 10/27, 12/8
Times: 12 – 3:15 PM Eastern/ 9 – 12:15 PM Pacific/ 1 – 4:15 PM Atlantic
Platform: Online via Zoom
Fee: $300 before Sept 15; $325 after Sept 15
CEs: We have applied for 9 CEs for social workers through the MA NASW. LMHCs can apply for CEs at the end of the program.

  • Learn somatic techniques to use in your practice, along with bioenergetic theory
  • Deepen your connection with yourself and colleagues in a supportive group format
  • Experience advanced bioenergetic trainers from California, Canada, and the US

Boundaries and Bioenergetics with Laurie Ure, LICSW

WEBINAR: Addressing Sexuality in Bioenergetic Therapy: A Contemporary Approach

Webinar sponsored by USABP (United States Association for Body Psychotherapy).

Practicing the Art of Self-Expression: A Group for Women

Contact me for information about this ongoing group.

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I thank you so so much Laurie for all your help, support and encouragement. I never would have believed that this kind of therapy would be so helpful to me, especially when I had never known about this self-healing, energy of your body. As we both know my body tells me everything.

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